You are a sinner, and no friend of Spain. Rejects Player's Declaration of Friendship: No, I do not accept your offer. Let the world know you are protected under his might. I will be sure to instruct them in our ways.Īccepts Player’s Declaration of Friendship: You are blessed by God, and a friend to me. Please, enjoy the churros and welcome them kindly.Īccepts Delegation from Player: We received the heret- I mean, your trade delegation. It will be Spain." ĭelegation: I have sent a delegation to your city. It will have ceased to be a map of the world.
Civ 6 wiki spain movie#
This is a paraphrased quote by Philip II from the movie The Sea Hawk (1940) - "One day, before my death, we shall sit here and gaze at this map upon the wall. Llegará el día en el que cuando estemos contemplando el mapa del mundo, ya no será el mundo. "The day will come when when we are looking at the map of the world, it will no longer be the world. One day, I will be able to look at the map of the world, but will have ceased to be a map of the world. Nos somos Felipe, el rey de España y Portugal, empero por encima de todo, somos fieles devotos de la única y verdadera religión. "We are Felipe, the king of Spain and Portugal, however, above everything else, we are a faithful devotee of the one true religion.") I am the King of Spain, Portugal, Sardinia and Sicily, Naples, Duke of Milan, etc., but most importantly, I am a devout follower of the one, true religion. This is very similar to the fourth of Jesus Christ's seven utterances on the cross ("My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?").

¿por qué, Señor? ¿Por qué nos has abandonado? "Our states.Why Lord? Why have you abandoned us?") My lands… my Kingdom… why, God? Why have you forsaken me? (lit. The line in English seems to be inspired by Jeremiah 3:13 - "that thou hast transgressed against the LORD thy God." You have transgressed against my kingdom and the kingdom of God… you must answer for your sins. "This is absurd, are you declaring war on us? Do you ignore the power of the Invincible Armada?")Īquesto es absurdo, ¿nos estáis declarando la guerra? ❺caso ignoráis el poderío de la Armada Invencible? You think your army can compare with my armada… with the might of my empire? You are grievously mistaken. No sois penitente, ¡blasfemáis! La venganza de Dios caerá sobre vuestra cabeza. "You are not penitent, you are blasphemous! The vengeance of God will fall on your head.") The vengeance of God will be upon your head. Rather than penitent, you are blasphemous. Somos una nación de fe, y vuestro favor a nuestra devoción os honra. "We are a nation of faith, and your kindness towards our devotion honors you.") I am relieved you understand that we cannot tolerate heretics. He speaks Castilian Spanish and uses the pluralis majestatis to refer to himself. Philip II is voiced by Anton Carmona Vega. He's going to push against anyone that isn't following his Religion until he has turned the entire world to his Beliefs. Once there, the Missions and Treasure Fleet civilization ability will ensure that the foreign presence will be lucrative for him. If he can't find places on other continents to settle peacefully, he will use his Conquistadors to force a foothold. He wants to establish a small empire on the coast of his home continent and then go sailing to find additional settlement spots. Philip wants everyone to adopt his beloved Catholicism.

In Gathering Storm, his Inquisitors also remove 100% of the presence of other religions. His Inquisitors can Remove Heresy one extra time, and his military and religious units receive +5 Combat Strength (or Religious Strength) against units owned by players who follow other religions. He hates anyone trying to spread their religion into his empire.

He likes civilizations which follow the same religion he does and wants all his cities to follow the same religion. Philip II's unique agenda is Counter Reformer. May the treasures they uncover fuel your quest to unite the world under one faith and one empire, making you truly the Most Catholic king. From your palace at El Escorial you can send forth your followers: missionaries, apostles, and conquistadors ready to strike out across the seas to spread the good word about your most holy empire. All Spain stands ready to answer your prayers, devout King Philip II.